
来源:海口家教中心 日期:2018/9/25


If you make a close friend in school, you will be most lucky. A true friend is someone who stays with you for life.  36   teaches that this was right. A good friendship is not easily   37   .

It is possible that we simply do not stay in one place long enough for a   38   friendship to develop. However, there can be   39   disagreement on the need for each of us to think carefully about the kinds of friendships we  40   .

To most of us,   41   are considered very important, but we need to be clear in our   42   the kinds of friendships we want. Are they to be close or   43   at arm's length? Do we want to   44   ourselves or do we want to walk on the surface? For some people, many friendships on the surface are   45   enough — and that's all right. But at some point, we need to   46   that our expectations are the same as our friends' expectations.The sharing of personal experience   47   our tears as well as our dark dreams is the surest way to deepen friendships.But it   48   be undertaken slowly and carried on only if there are   49   of interest and action in return.

What are some of the   50   of friendship? The greatest is the attraction to expect too much too soon. Deep relationships   51   time. Another "major difficulty" is the selfishness to think one

 "possesses" the other, including his time and attention. Similarly, friendships   52   actions in return.In   53   words, you must give as much as you take.Finally there is a question of taking care of the friendship. Unless you spend   54   time together, talking on the phone, and writing letters, friendships will die   55.

36.A.Knowledge             B.Teachers               C.experience              D.Parents

37.A.understood            B.developed            C.realized                    D.produced

38.A.true                         B.common              C.deeply                      D.actually

39.A.no                            B.some                     C.any                            D.none

40.A.share                       B.apply                     C.want                         D.treat

41.A.sorrows                  B.friendships      C.nowledges          D.happiness

42.A.hearts                     B.thoughts              C.actions                     D.minds

43.A.remained                B.left                        C.stayed                      D.kept

44.A.drop                        B.hunt                      C.share                        D.develop

45.A.that                         B.very                       C.not                            D.quite

46.A.make sure              B.care about           C.hunt for                    D.make at home

47.A.includes                  B.to include             C.including                  D.included

48.A.can                          B.need                      C.will                            D.must

49.A.signals                     B.sights                    C.situations                 D.signs

50.A.difficulties              B.differences          C.presidents                D.things

51.A.cost                         B.spend                    C.cast                           D.take

52.A.need                        B.combine               C.compare                  D.consider

53.A.some                       B.many                     C.other                        D.different

54.A.enough                   B.particular             C.basic                         D.a lot

55.A.for                           B.away                     C.out                            D.from


36.C由语境可知,“A true friend is someone who stays with you for life”是由生活经验总结出来的。所以选 experience。


38.A由上文的“A good friendship”可知。a true friendship真正的友谊。

39. A There is no agreement on……“在……方面是没有分歧的”。40. C 


42.B下面几句列举的都是人的想法。所以用thought “思想,想法” 指一般概念。 而mind指“思维,理智,注意力”,

43.D.这里表示的是“使友谊保持一定距离(at arm's length)这一状态”,只能用及物动词keep。而表示“残留、剩下”时,只能用不及物动词remain;表示“继续呆在某处”时,应该用不及物动词remain或stay。

44.C. share ourselves自己分享。

45.D有下文的“and that's all right”.可知,这里要表达的是肯定的意思,而修饰没有等级之分的形容词,要用quite,不能用very。



48.D.句意为: 尽管和别人分享自己的经历能加深友谊,但这一活动必须(must)在对方表现出迹象:有兴趣和活动回报你类似的活动时,才能慢慢进行。

49.D sign征兆,迹象。

50.A.该部分讲述了发展友谊的两大困难:the attraction to expect too much too soon;the selfishness,也可以从51空后的Another "major difficulty"得到启示。

51.D. take需要,花费。spend也可以只花费时间,但主语应是表示人的词语。52.A   53.C in other words,意思是“换句话说”。

54.A下文所列举的“talking on the phone, and writing letters”需要足够的时间去做,才能使友谊经久不衰。句意为:除非你们以有足够(enough)的时间打电话,写信,您没的友谊才不会停止。

55. B.die away 事物的逐渐消失,逐渐止息。


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