海口家教老师:高一英语Unit 8 语法讲解

来源:海口家教老师 日期:2018/6/15
  Months ago we sailed ten thousand miles across this open sea, which ____ the Pacific, and we met no storms. (NMET2005辽宁) 
   A. was called B. is called 
   C. had been called D. has been called 
  析:B。该空表示“通常被叫做”,应用一般现在时被动语态的动词形式is called。
  (1)The flowers were so lovely that they ____ in no time. 
   A. sold B. had been sold C. were sold D. would sell 
  析:C。由语境逻辑可以推出该空表示“过去被销售”,因此应填一般过去时被动语态动词形式were sold。
  (2)As the years passed, many occasions—birthdays, awards, graduations 
   —____ with Dad’s flowers. (NMET2007湖南) 
   A. are marked B. were marked 
   C. have marked D. had marked 
  析:B。分析语境逻辑可知,该空表示“过去被标明”,因此应填一般过去时被动语态动词形式were marked。
  (3)It is said that the early European playing-cards ____ for entertainment and education. (NMET2006辽宁) 
   A. were being designed B. have designed 
   C. have been designed D. were designed 
  析:D。early暗示该空表示“过去被设计”,应填一般过去时被动语态动词形式were designed。
  (1)——Have you handed in your schoolwork yet? 
   ——Yes, I have. I guess it ____ now. (NMET2007辽宁) 
   A. has graded B. is graded C. is being graded D. is grading 
  析:C。now暗示该空表示“现在正在被打分”,因此应填现在进行时被动语态动词形式is being graded。
  (2)I have to go to work by taxi because my car ____at the garage. (NMET2006重庆) 
   A. will be repaired B. is repaired 
   C. is being repaired D. has been repaired 
  析:C。由语境逻辑可知,该空表示“现在正在被修理”,应填现在进行时被动语态动词形式is being repaired。
  (3)Although the causes of cancer ____, we do not yet have any practical way to prevent it. (NMET2006山东) 
   A. are being uncovered B. have been uncovering 
   C. are uncovering D. have uncovered 
  析:A。分析语境逻辑不难发现,该空表示“现在正在被揭示”,应填现在进行时被动语态动词形式are being uncovered。
  考点说明:一般将来时被动语态常用于下列场合:表示根据计划或安排将要发生的被动性动作,此时既可用will/shall be done, is/am/are going to be done,也可用is/am/are to be done;表示征求对方意见,此时常用is/am/are to be done;表示有固定性条件就有规律性被动结果,此时常用will/shall be done;表示可能性,此时常用is/am/are to be done。表示到将来某一时刻为止已经完成的被动性动作时常用现在完成时被动语态代替一般将来时被动语态;时间状语从句或条件状语从句应用一般现在时被动语态代替一般将来时被动语态。
  (1)Customers are asked to make sure that they ____ the right change before leaving the shop. (NMET2006重庆) 
   A. will give B. have been given 
   C. have given D. will be given 
  (2)——Your job ____ open for your return.(NMET2006北京) 
   A. will be kept B. will keep 
   C. had kept D. had been kept 
  析:A。分析语境逻辑不难发现,该空表示“将要被给”,应填一般将来时被动语态动词形式will be kept。
  考点说明:过去将来时被动语态常用于下列场合:表示相对于过去某一时刻来说即将发生的被动动作,此时可用would be done, was/were going to be done,也可用was/were to be done;在过去某一时刻表达有固定性条件就会有规律性被动结果,此时常用would be done;表示相对于过去某一时刻来说将会出现某种被动性可能性,此时常用was/were to be done。
  In a room above the store, where a party ____, some workers were busily setting the table. (NMET2006湖南) 
   A. was to be held B. has been held 
   C. will be held D. is being held 
  析:A。由语境逻辑可知,该空表示相对于were busily setting the table所体现的动作来说将要被举行,因此应用过去将来时被动语态动词形式was to be held。
  考点说明:现在完成时被动语态常表示:一个发生在过去的被动性动作对现在造成的影响;到目前为止已存在若干时间的被动性动作或状态。现在完成时被动语态动词形式为has/have been done。
  (1)I got caught in the rain and my suit ____.(NMET2007北京) 
   A. has ruined B. had ruined 
   C. has been ruined D. had been ruined 
  析:C。分析语境逻辑可知,该空表示“到现在为止已经被毁”,因此应用现在完成时被动语态动词形式has been ruined。
  (2)If Newton lived today, he would be surprised by what ____ in science and technology. (NMET2007天津) 
   A. had discovered B. had been discovered 
   C. has discovered D. has been discovered 
  析:D。today暗示该空表示“到现在为止已经被发现”,因此应用现在完成时被动语态动词形式has been discovered。
  (3)When you get the paper back, pay special attention to what ____. (NMET2007四川) 
   A. have marked B. have been marked 
   C. had marked D. had been marked 
  析:B。该空表示“到现在为止已经被标注”,因此应用现在完成时被动语态动词形式have been marked。   
  考点说明:过去完成时被动语态表示到过去某一时刻为止已经发生的被动性动作,由had been done构成。
  (1)At the end of the meeting, it was announced that an agreement 
   A. has been reached B. had been reached 
   C. has reached D. had reached 
  析:B。该空表示到“‘was’所体现的时间为止已经被达成”,因此应填过去完成时被动语态动词形式had been reached。
  (2)The policeman’s attention was suddenly caught by a small box 
   which ____ placed under the Minister’s car. (NMET2005 广东) 
   A. has been B. was being C. had been D. would be 
  析:C。分析语境逻辑可知,这个小盒子被放在部长车子下面的动作在was suddenly caught所体现的动作之前发生,因此该空应填过去完成时被动语态动词形式had been (placed)。
  考点说明:将来完成时被动语态表示到将来某一时刻为止已经完成的被动性动作,动词形式为will have been done。
  The mayor of Beijing says that all construction work for the Beijing Olympics ____ by 2006. (NMET2004北京) 
   A. has been completed B. has completed 
   C. will have been completed D. will have completed 
  析:C。by 2006暗示该空表示“将已经被完成”,因此应用将来完成时被动语态动词形式will have been completed。
  考点说明:主动形式表示被动意义常用于下列场合:look, feel, taste, smell, sound等表示感觉器官的连系动词;prove, turn out作连系动词,表示“结果证明是”;sell/wash/write/last等不及物动词+easily/smoothly/well等副词构成动副搭配,表示事物内部特有的属性;weigh表示“物体所称重量为……”;open表示“店铺开张营业”;blame表示“应负责”;stay fresh表示“保鲜”。
   1. Mr. Green stood up in defence of the 16-year-old boy, saying that he was not the one ____.(NMET2006安徽) 
   A. blamed B. blaming C. to blame D. to be blamed 
  析:C。to blame应负责,不可用于被动语态。
   2. The water ____ cool when I joined into the pool for morning exercise. (NMET2006全国Ⅰ、Ⅲ) 
   A. was felt B. is felt C. felt D. feels 
   3. Why don’t you put the meat in the fridge? It will ____ fresh for several days. (NMET2003) 
   A. be stayed B. stay C. be staying D. have stayed 
  析:B。stay fresh保鲜,不可用于被动语态。
1. 课文原句: Many of the sports were the same as they are now. 
  考点: 有关as引导限制性定语从句的用法。
  解读: 1) 在such之后的关系代词常用as,as在从句中可用作主语,宾语或表语,不作状语。例如: 
  Such women as know Tom thought he was charming.认识汤姆的妇女都认为他有魅力。
2) 比较the same ... as和the same ... that:前者一般表示同类,后者一般表示同一。例如: 
  He was wearing the same shirt as I’d had on the day before.他穿的衬衫和我前一天穿的是一样的。
He was wearing the same shirt that I’d had on the day before.他穿的衬衫就是我前一天穿的那一件。
  1. These houses are sold at such a low price______people expected. (2000海口卷) 
  A. like B. asC. that D. which 
  2. They will meet at the same place ______they met last week. (2007黄冈模拟卷) 
  A. where B. which C. as D. that 
  3. Oh, the bag! Thank you very much, sir. This is the same bag______I lost the other day. 
  A. as B. which C. like D. that 
  4. His plan was such a good one______we all agreed to accept. (2006陕西卷) 
  A. as B. that C. so D. and 
  点拨: 1. B。as在定语从句中用作expected的宾语;2. A。此题难度大,同学们易选C。该空应该填关系副词where在从句中用作状语;3. D.很明显,前后同一物应该用that引导;4. A。如果选B,则要在accept后面加it. 
  2. 课文原句: Carl Lewis from the USA won four gold medals in track and field and became one of the best sportsmen in the 20th century. 
  考点: win / beat / defeat之间的区别。
解读: 英语中的“赢”,“战胜”可用win, beat和defeat来表达,但是它们的用法不同。
  1) win作为及物动词,其宾语是奖品、奖学金、名次、友谊、财产、战争、比赛和胜利等。例如: 
  She has a nature that quickly won her friendship of her classmates. 
  2) beat和defeat可以换用,它们的宾语是比赛中的对手或战争中的敌人。例如: 
  The basketball team of our school beat theirs by 10:8. 
  1. She______the first place in the maths contest of the senior middle school students. (2007海淀模拟卷) 
  A. earnedB. wonC. defeatedD. beat 
  2. Jim couldn’t______the game.Instead he was______. (2007全国联考卷) 
  A. win; won B. win; beaten 
  C. defeat; defeated D. win; lost 
  点拨: (略) 1. B2. B 
  3.课文原句: ... in the 2000 Sydney Olympics Games, China won another great competition in 2001 which was not for a medal. 
  考点: another, more, other与数词的位置关系。
  解读: 1) another与数词连用,只能放在数词的前面。例如: 
  There is room for another five people in the back of the bus.公共汽车后面还能坐五人。
  2) other 与数词连用,通常放在数词后,这些数词还包括some、any、several等。例如: 
  The World Service broadcasts programmes in English and 35 other languages.世界服务广播台用英语和其它三十五种语言广播节目。
  3) more与数词连用时,常位于数词和some, any, several, a lot, a few等一些词的后面。例如: 
  I have to write two more letters this morning.今天上午我得再写两封信。
  1. Shanghai is really a fascinating city and we’ve decided to stay for______two weeks. (2003海口卷) 
  A. another B. other 
  C. more D. the other 
  2. The school’s music group will be giving a big show tomorrow night and twoon the weekend. (2007安徽卷) 
  A. moreB. other C. else D. another 
  点拨: 1. A。如果要选B、C则要将空格设在two之后;2. A。如果选B,则后面的shows不可以省略。
  4. 课文原句: To make it the best ever Games, the capital city will make several big changes. 
  考点: 两种常见的目的状语表达法。
  解读: 1)用“in order that+从句”或“so that+从句”来表达,其中从句谓语常含有will, may, shall, can, could, might, should等情态动词。
  2) 用“in order to+动词原形”或“so as to + 动词原形”来表达。其中“so as to + 动词原形”不能放在句首,而in order to 可放在句首或句中。有时为了表达的简洁,直接用不定式to do来表达。例如: 
  To make himself heard, he stood up and shouted. 
  1. When asked why he went there, he said he was sent there______for a space flight. (2007江西卷) 
  A. training B. being trained 
  C. to have trained D. to be trained 
  2. —Can the project be finished as planned? 
  —Sure, ______it completed in time, we’ll work two more hours a day. (2005福建卷) 
  A. having got B. to get 
  C. getting D. get 
  3. ______this cake, you’ll need 2 eggs, 175g sugar and 174 flour. (2006广东卷) 
  A. Having made B. Make 
  C. To make D. Making 
  点拨: 1. D。很明显,不定式要用被动结构作目的状语;2. B。3. C。均用作目的状语。
5. 课文原句: Yao Ming has more than just size: he also has great skill and speed and he is a team player. 
  考点: more than的热点用法。
  解读: 1) more than表示“十分”,相当于very. 例如: 
  I was more than pleased to see you. 
  2) more than 表示“不仅仅”。例如: 
  He is more than my teacher, he is also my close friend. 
  3) 构成句型:more A than B 意为“与其说B倒不如说A”。例如: 
  He is more brave than clever.他有勇无谋。
  4) more than sb. do该句型意为“某人干不了”。例如: 
  The beauty of our school is more than I can describe. 
  1. —Do you need any help, Lucy? 
  —Yes. The job is ______I could do myself. (2007福建卷) 
  A. less than B. more than 
  C. no more than D. not more than 
  2. Lizzie was______to see her friend off at the airport. (2004全国卷) 
  A. a little more than sad 
  B. more than a little sad 
  C. sad more than a little 
  D. a little more than sad 
  点拨: 1. B。句意为“这工作我干不了”;2. B。more than 表示“不仅仅是”,more than a littie = quite 
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