
来源:海口家教中心 日期:2018/12/9


1.He ____ all his important thoughts in his diary.

  1. set out     B. set down      C. set about      D. set aside

2. Laws that punish parents for their little children’s actions against the laws get parents_____ .

A. worried       B. to worried    C. worrying   D. worry

3. I have no concern ____ the murder case, so I feel no concern ____it

  1. with; about  B. with; for    C. in; with    D. for; in

4. ----Do you know our town at all?

  ----No, this is the first time I ____ here.

A. have come  B. was   C. came         D. am coming

5.To the teacher’s surprise, the boy had no ____ out the ____maths problem.

A.difficulty to work; difficult     B. difficult working; difficulty

C. difficulty working; difficult     D. difficulty in working; difficulty

6.Before the war broke out, many people _______ in safe places possessions they could not take with them.

  1. threw away  B. put away    C. gave away   D. carried away

7.The engine of the ship was out of order and the bad weather ____ the helplessness of the crew at sea.

  1. added to       B. added up to    C. turned out   D. made up

8.He was crazy ____ the girl, but it was crazy ____ him to let such a young girl drive his car.

  1. about ; of     B. with ;of       C. to; of          D.about; for

9.He didn’t get up until nine that morning and he arrived at the meeting_____.

A. too much late   B. much too late   C. much late  D. late too much

10.Our teacher is going to have me ____ this desk with you.

  1. share      B. sit         C. seat           D. do

11.____everyone knows about it, I don’t want to talk about it any more.

  1. For       B. Even    C. Since   D. However

12.You have no idea what I’ve had to ____ during the last few months.

  1. come true          B. go through    C. come up       D. look through

13.It ___ long before we ____the result of the experiment.

  1. will not be; will know  B. is; will know   C.will not be; know     D. is; know

14.They’ve___us $150,000 for the house. Shall we take it ?

  1. provided     B. supplied          C. shown         D. offered

15.The Bulls have better players, so I ___them to win.

  1. hope        B. prefer        C. expect       D want

16. ____ to come and meet my family tonight,will you?

A.To be sure    B.Being sure     C.Be sure     D.Make sure

17.----Oh, it’s you! I ___you.

     ----I’ve just had my hair cut, and I’m   wearing new glasses.

A.didn’t recognize   B. hadn’t recognized  C. haven’t recognized    D. don’t recognize

18.Do you find the composition easy or hard ____?

  1. to write       B. to be written     C. being written     D. writing

19.____she couldn’t understand was ____ fewer and fewer students were interested in her lessons.

  1. what; why           B. That; what    C. What; because    D. Why; that

20.The train was late and many people were kept _________ at the railway station.

  1. to wait      B. to be waiting   C. waiting   D. waited

21. He was about to tell me the secret ________ someone patted me on the shoulder.

A.as              B.until         C.while       D.when

22.Let’s keep to the point or we _______ any decisions.

A  will never reach    B. have never reached   C. Never reach     D. never reach

23.Don’t mention that at the beginning of the story, or it may ____ the shocking ending.

A. give away     B. give out      C. give up    D. give off

24. I insisted that a doctor__________ immediately.

A. has been sent for     B. sends for    C. Will be sent for    D. be sent for

25.Mother _________ him to study hard, but it didn’t seem to help.

A hope             B. suggested     C. insisted on    D. tried to persuade

26.I walked out of the cinema,___________ I’d never come back to this place again.

A. determining     B. determined       C. to determine    D. determine

27.His dream__________ to China never ___________.

A.of coming;came true         B.to come;came true

C.of coming;realized          D.to come;was made true

28.----How is everything going on with you in Europe?

----Quite well. Not so smoothly as I hoped,__________.  

A. though        B. instead        C. either       D. too

29.----Did Jack come back early last night?

     ----Yes. It was not yet eight o’clock _________ he arrived home.

A.  before        B. when         C. that        D. until

30. I didn’t want to buy the coat. ________ I don’t like the color, and ________, the price is too ________.

  A. For one thing; for another; high                     B. For a thing; for the other; expensive

  C. For a thing; for another; low                           D. For one thing; for the other; cheap


31. The young man _________ on his back _________ his eyes half-closed.

A.lain,×;      B.laid,with       C.lied,with        D.lay,with

32. This is the best way ________ I have thought of ________ the problem.

A.×,to solve     B.in which,solving     C.which,to solve    D.that,solving

33.During the period when he was in hospital, I _______ him to give up smoking but he still smokes.

A . persuaded     B. advised       C.  thought        D. suggested

34. Almost all the blacks are fighting _______ each other _______ freedom as the Whites have.

A  against ;  with   B. for ; with    C.  with ;  for     D. with ; against

35.If  I give him ________, do you think he will ________? 

A. some advice ; receive it       B.  some advices ; accept them

    C. a piece of advice; take it      D. an advice ; accept that

36. I always prefer to start early _______ leave everything to the last minute.

A or else    B. in case     C.rather than      D. for fear

37. Only five of them________in the singing competition yesterday.

  A.I saw      B.I have seen      C.Did I see      D.Had I seen

38. That guy appears to be an expert in this field.  _________,   he knows nothing about it.

  1. So far     B. As a matter of fact     C. At all     D. In other words

39. In that big fire all their houses were________, so they had to build new ones.

A  hurt         B. harmed        C. injured       D. destroyed

40. One minute she burst into ________and the next burst out ________. We just couldn’t catch her mood(情绪) at any moment.

  1. crying; laughter  B. tears; laughing   C. tears; laughter    D. crying; laughing

41. _______ ,you’ll never be able to persuade him.

A.However hard may you try         B.However hard you may try

C. However you may try hard        D.Try hard however you may

42. ---Peter, hurry up! You ___________ on the phone.

   ---Oh, I ____________. Thank you.

  A. are being wanted; come                         B. are wanted; am coming    

C. want; come                                       D. will be wanted; should come

43. It is in Qingdao _______ you are going to pay a visit to _________ this kind of  washing machine is produced.

A.where,which       B.×,that      C.×,where      D.that,which

44.Mr. Brown, __________,works as the manager of the company.

A.we got there in his car              B.we got there by car

C.in whose car we got there            D.by whose car we got there

45. I had not listen to my mother’s advice on taking an umbrella. Later that afternoon, I was nearly ____ the rain.

A.  taken by      B. trapped in  C. caught in      D. beaten by

46. You can find honest men ______ you  go.

A.where         B.everywhere      C.every place     D.nowhere

47.I work in a business__________ almost everyone is waiting for a great chance.

  1. how       B. that       C. where        D. whose

48. Is this school ___ some foreigners visited the other day?

A. which       B. that        C. where        D. the one

49.On the wall hung a overcoat, _______color is blue.

  1. whose         B. of which         C. which        D. its

50. Class 2 and Class 10 have many good students,________ will be surely admitted by key universities.

  1. most of which    B. most of them    C. most of whom   D. of whom


Dear Abby,

How are you ? Today I’ve got a wonderful news to tell you.                  1.           

I have been offered a scholarship at a university in Australian        2.            

for my further education. One hundred and twenty students took exam   3.            

for it, but only a few was chosen and I was one of them. However,          4.            

my parents are not happy about it.They are strong against me            5.            

going there.They say it is too far away that they will not see me       6.             

for a whole year and they are afraid of I will feel lonely.They         7.             

can’t imagine a girl so young live alone.They advise me to study       8.                

in the capital instead.Then I’ll be able to continue living with            9.              

them. What can I persuade them to acccept the fact that I have grown up? 10.           

Best wishes,


三. 单词拼写:

1. The waiter totally i______________ Tom and served a girl who had come up beside him.

2. I love working abroad and meeting people from different c_____________.

3. No matter how hard it is, a d_________________ person always tries to finish the job.

4. From the very beginning, Paul made it clear that he would be e_____________ in control.

5. People were trapped in e_____________, businesses closed early, and schools sent students

home when parts of the country had power cuts because of the storms last month.

6. The waiter r_____________ one of his customers as someone he went to school with.

7. She came up to me and started talking in such a f_____________ way that I thought I must

have met her before.

8. Don't leave your s______________ sports shoes lying around the living room.

9. I like the way you've o______________ the information in the report.

10. The truck driver couldn’t get help from any drivers passing by and had to see his truck d______________ completely by fire.




1—5BAAAC   6—10BAABA  11—15CBCDC    16—20CAAAC

21-25DAADD  26—30BAABA 31—35DABCC     36—40CABDB

41---45BBBCC  46—50BCDAC


1. ignored        2. cultures       3. determined 4. entirely        5. elevators     6. recognized 

7. familiar        8. smelly          9. organized    10. destroyed



66.去掉a                      67. Australian改为Australia

68.exam改为exams             69.was改为were

70. strong改为strongly        71. too改为so

72. of去掉或改为that          73.live改为living

74. √                         75.What改为How

























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